

  1. ICPC ’24
    Understanding ReDoS: Insights from LLM-Generated Regexes and Developer Forums
    In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Program Comprehension, Research Track, Apr 2024
  2. ICSE-NIER ’24
    Re(gEx|DoS)Eval: Evaluating Generated Regular Expressions and their Proneness to DoS Attacks
    Mohammed Latif SiddiqJiahao Zhang, Lindsay Roney, and Joanna C. S. Santos
    In Proceedings of the 46th International Conference on Software Engineering, NIER Track, Apr 2024
  3. MSR-MC ’24
    Quality Assessment of ChatGPT Generated Code and their Use by Developers
    Mohammed Latif Siddiq, Lindsay Roney, Jiahao Zhang, and Joanna C. S. Santos
    In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, Mining Challenge Track, Apr 2024