Jiahao Zhang


Shenzhen, China

Thanks for being here!

My name is Jiahao Zhang(张嘉浩). I’m a first-year CS PhD student at Vanderbilt University, and fortunate to be advised by Prof. Yu Huang!

Prior to my PhD, I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Southern University of Science and Technology(SUSTech), supervised by Prof. Yepang Liu. In Fall 2023, I also worked as a research intern at University of Notre Dame, under the mentorship of Prof. Joanna C.S. Santos.

My research interests mainly lie in Software Engineering, and its synergy with Artificial Intelligence, especially Large Language Models. I would love to explore new research directions during my PhD study!

Contact: jiahao.zhang@vanderbilt.edu or michaelzjh2002@gmail.com


Aug 9, 2024 🏫 Starting my PhD journey at Vanderbilt! Excited for what’s ahead!
Apr 15, 2024 🏫 I will be joining Vanderbilt University as a Ph.D. student in Computer Science and fortunate to work with Prof. Yu Huang!
Jan 31, 2024 📄 Our paper Understanding ReDoS: Insights from LLM-Generated Regexes and Developer Forums is accepted to ICPC 2024!
Jan 20, 2024 📄 Our paper Quality Assessment of ChatGPT Generated Code and their Use by Developers is accepted to MSR Mining Challenge 2024!
Nov 22, 2023 📄 Our paper Re(gEx|DoS)Eval: Evaluating Generated Regular Expressions and their Proneness to DoS Attacks is accepted to ICSE-NIER 2024!

selected publications


  1. ICPC ’24
    Understanding ReDoS: Insights from LLM-Generated Regexes and Developer Forums
    In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Program Comprehension, Research Track, Apr 2024